Another Glorious, Gluten-Free Gathering!
January 19, 2017

Last week, in Vancouver, Canada, hundreds flocked to the Gluten-Free Expo to celebrate gluten-free products and a gluten-free lifestyle. Uncle Dan’s World Famous Dressings and Seasonings was proud to mingle with fans, old and new, from far and wide, who were thrilled by Uncle Dan’s entire line of gluten-free products. We even had a whole family of Uncle Dan’s fans stop by the booth -- three generations of dip-lovers! A big thank you to the Expo and to everyone who came out for a gluten-free good time! Until next year, Vancouver! Read more...
Uncle Dan's Game Day Dip Release
October 31, 2016

For all the 12 Fans out there, here's a recording of the official launch of Uncle Dan's Game Day Dip on Rock 94 and 1/2. Remember, this is a limited launch and is only available in select Spokane area Rosauers Supermarkets & Super 1 Foods grocery stores. It is also available in Bartell's Drugs on the west side of Washington State, and online at Remember, this new item is available ONLY in the following retailers. Rosauers Supermarkets Super 1 Foods Bartell Drugs This new item is three great dips in one fancy package. A Zesty Ranch Dip A recipe for a stupendous... Read more...
Uncle Dan's Super Walmart Super Deal!
July 19, 2016

Uncle Dan Returns to Wray's, 50 Years Later!
May 24, 2016

On May 21st, 1966, at Wray’s Thriftway in Yakima, Washington, the man we would come to know as Uncle Dan wowed shoppers with demos of his dry dressing and seasoning packets. Fifty years later, Uncle Dan returned to Wray's, joined by his son and present General Manager of Uncle Dan’s Salad Dressings, to celebrate half a century of work and flavor, to connect with the community Uncle Dan’s came from, and, of course, to offer in-store demos of his dry dressing and seasoning packets. Loyal Uncle Dan’s fans came from far and wide to meet the man behind the dressing,... Read more...
WinCo and the Great Sample Spree
February 08, 2016